Kleine Pause

Kleine Pause

Begegnungen in der Teeküche

#75 with Morgane Koresh - Intersectionality & the reception of jewish feminist voices in the aftermath of October 7th

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Follow Morgane's work on social media via: https://www.instagram.com/yiddishfeminist/

and through the collective they co-founded: https://www.instagram.com/hastickeriot/

You can find the Podcast they mentioned in the episode here: https://www.instagram.com/unapologetic3n

and the trialog program of Shai and Jouanna which I mention via their social media:

https://www.instagram.com/jouannahassoun/ https://www.instagram.com/shaihoffmann/

The Interview Morgane did with ze.tt : https://www.zeit.de/zett/politik/2024-03/feminismus-frauen-gewalt-aktivismus-weltweit


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seit 06/23 Nicole Schweiß
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